Daniel Balthasar

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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What they are about

There are people who love writing songs (songwriters), but don’t like performing and there are also artists (singers) who are great performers but have not moved into songwriting. There are also musicians wanting to be creator of melodies (a song with no lyrics), a composer. Some other want to write lyrics, the lyricists. Once you have lyrics and a melody, a composer, or producer can become an “arranger” and add supporting instrumentation to bring the song to life.


That’s where collaboration and exchange are stepping in and which are the main focus of the Grund Club.


Music has drastically lost its specific character as a special branch of art with the industrial reproduction methods. Today, most of the time, it has become a simple popular culture product which is guided by the entertainment industry.


Similar to classic music, a catalogue of written popular music has emerged and is delivered on records and on stages. Artists, like Ella Fitzgerald and Frank Sinatra didn’t write the songs that became their signature performance pieces. Nevertheless, they had an important impact on music culture.


The Grund Club is promoting this process of collaboration and exchange between songwriters and performers. Some artists strengths may lie in different areas and pooling those relative strengths can lead to much greater results than either partner working alone might hope to achieve.

What they are about

There are people who love writing songs (songwriters), but don’t like performing and there are also artists (singers) who are great performers but have not moved into songwriting. There are also musicians wanting to be creator of melodies (a song with no lyrics), a composer. Some other want to write lyrics, the lyricists. Once you have lyrics and a melody, a composer, or producer can become an “arranger” and add supporting instrumentation to bring the song to life.


That’s where collaboration and exchange are stepping in and which are the main focus of the Grund Club.


Music has drastically lost its specific character as a special branch of art with the industrial reproduction methods. Today, most of the time, it has become a simple popular culture product which is guided by the entertainment industry.


Similar to classic music, a catalogue of written popular music has emerged and is delivered on records and on stages. Artists, like Ella Fitzgerald and Frank Sinatra didn’t write the songs that became their signature performance pieces. Nevertheless, they had an important impact on music culture.


The Grund Club is promoting this process of collaboration and exchange between songwriters and performers. Some artists strengths may lie in different areas and pooling those relative strengths can lead to much greater results than either partner working alone might hope to achieve.